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Jun Jiuling (8th Dec 22 at 12:21am UTC)
"Don't worry, they can't get close to me." Said Miss Jun. Lei Zhonglian had known this for a long time. There were only three of them from Yangcheng to Runan at the beginning, and the enemy was more terrible than Jin Shiba and others. Jin Shiba somehow let them discover their whereabouts. At that time, the enemies of the Fang family were still hiding tightly. Miss Jun has rich experience in the field and is well arranged. The most common advice is not to approach at night. Lei Zhonglian knew that this was because the hidden weapons arranged around Miss Jun were extremely fierce. It's really annoying to be chased by them all the time. He said in a low voice. Miss Jun smiled. We're not the only ones. She said, winking at Lei Zhonglian. After following Jin Shiba for so long, these people had a hard time, and Lei Zhonglian smiled. Miss Jun! There was a sudden shout from the roadside. By this time they had already left Qingyuan Mansion, and when they left Qingyuan Mansion, Zhou Zhifu wanted to see the whole city off, but was stopped by Miss Jun. It's better not to let everyone know I'm gone. It's safer to go on for a while. She said. Miss Jun is the existence of the sea God needle, the five doctors can be smoothly accepted by the people, because Miss Jun is behind the escort. If you let everyone know that Miss Jun has gone, it is hard to avoid panic in your heart. Let's get used to it for a while. As a thief, the magistrate sent Miss Jun and others out of the city,artificial grass panels, and even the officers and soldiers were waiting in the designated place. Rao is so, Miss Jun this line of people is still very eye-catching to be recognized by passers-by, not without some excitement, Miss Jun explained that he is going to the countryside to see, lest some children who do not know the news miss the vaccination. Are you going to Zan Huang? The passers-by asked curiously. Miss Jun nodded along with his words. Then don't go this way. The passer-by said nervously. Over there? "What's going on over there?" Willow asked in puzzlement. There is a mountain over there, and there are bandits on the mountain. Said the passer-by in a low voice. Bandits? Miss Jun and the others were stunned. Nonsense There was another voice in the crowd. They looked and saw an old man squatting on the roadside with a bamboo basket beside him. It seemed that he was afraid of being squeezed into the basket by the crowded crowd and had been carefully protecting it. There are no bandits in the mountains over there. He went on to say,outdoor palm trees, "It's safe over there. There are officers and soldiers stationed there." Miss Jun looked at the old man. His face was dark, his fingers were thick, and he was squatting on the ground. He had been working all the year round. Of course, she didn't know what kind of people were working, but the master took her through the mountains to observe the words and expressions, and trained her to have a pair of golden eyes, in order to steal food and drink. Miss Jun looked away and did not ask, because the passers-by had already begun to talk. No bandits? Why did I hear that there was.. "That's your mistake. Of course there are bandits, but they are in Zanhuang Mountain." Said the old man. It seems that there are really bandits in Zan Huangshan. Someone remembered and said. But over there.. Someone is doubting his memory, "garrison …" Is there? Several armies in the north, cherry blossom wedding centerpiece ,outdoor ficus tree, in addition to the famous Yongxing Guangxin Yongning Shun'an Army, there are some skirmishers stationed, and even many secret sentry posts. It is hard to say whether there is a garrison in a mountainous area. Passers-by on this side were talking, while on the other side the horse's hooves were ringing, and a group of officers and soldiers appeared. Get out of the way. Don't delay Miss Jun's journey. They shouted. Passers-by hurried to get out of the way, and the old man stepped back with the basket. Because of the separate vaccination for the children of the officers and soldiers, Miss Jun was a deity among the officers and soldiers. When they saw Miss Jun, they dismounted one after another and smiled. With our escort, Miss Jun can rest assured. They said. I'm really relieved to have your escort. Miss Jun laughed. A group of people were happy and lively along the road, until they could not see their figures, passers-by were not satisfied to disperse, the old man lifted his feet to kick up the bamboo basket, carried it on his back and walked away slowly. There was a cool breeze blowing in the mountains in July, and the excitement of the camp was silenced by the gradual extinction of the bonfire, and everyone fell into a deep sleep except the soldiers patrolling back and forth. Two groups of soldiers crossed, and in this gap, several figures seemed to peel off from the night, rolled into the middle of the camp, and quickly staggered through several tents, stopped in front of the middle tent. It's not bad to follow the escort of officers and soldiers.
"Jin Shiba said in a low voice," at least don't worry about the hidden weapons set up by this little girl. " After all, there are too many officers and soldiers, and they will patrol at night to avoid accidental injury. The men behind him had surveyed the camp separately, gathered around Jin Shiba again, and nodded to him. No problem. They whispered. Jin Shiba made a gesture to them again, and the four of them dispersed in an instant, while Jin Shiba crossed directly over the camp beside him, holding something in his hand that he did not know what it was, and the camp was cut open in an instant without a sound. Jin Shiba stretched out his hand to pull the tent, and the light of the torch not far away was thrown in to illuminate the situation inside. Jin Shiba's hand holding the tent suddenly froze, and people did not jump in as if they were overdue. Several men standing on guard looked over in puzzlement. Damn it. Jin Shiba murmured, "Miss Jun has disappeared again." As the sky brightened, Lei Zhonglian suddenly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the escort and the escort who were talking and laughing in front of him. Then he sat up straight and looked at the quiet camp around him. He reached out and rubbed his face and stood up. Master Lei, do you think the Royal Guards have caught up with you? A guard saw him and asked with a smile. It's time to catch up. The Royal Guards are so powerful. Lei Zhonglian said. It used to say that people would nod their heads seriously,fake ficus tree, but now it makes a few people laugh. I don't know how they looked when they saw the naked soldiers lying in the tent. An escort laughed. Lei Zhonglian coughed lightly to signal them not to say rude words any more, because by this time she had already come to Miss Jun's camp. The escorts hurriedly straightened their faces and walked forward, hearing Lei Zhonglian calling Miss Sheng Jun in the back.
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