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Furniture Component (17th Feb 23 at 5:11am UTC)
Furniture Component Product Information
The solid wood bed accessories consist of many kinds, such as metal feet, panel furniture connectors, stainless steel glass clips, stainless steel hinges, stainless steel T-shaped nails, 40 square folding pedals, bed keels. It's still relatively good value for money. The price of solid wood beds of different materials also varies greatly. The higher the hardness of the wood, the more beautiful the wood grain, the more precious the material, and the higher the price.
Each type wood of solid wood bed accessories has its own characteristics, and the crux is which wood is right for you. For example, entry-level rubberwood wood has a fine hard grain, but has a high sugar content and is prone to deterioration compared to other woods. At present, the tree species suitable for furniture and decoration mainly include ash, elm, eucalyptus, camphor, basswood, birch, teak, beech, cherry, red sandalwood, cypress, yew, Korean pine, oak, Yellow pineapple, walnut catalpa, wood lotus, rosewood, mahogany, bitter tree, toon, jujube, etc.Furniture Component
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